Appleton Academy


Senior Leadership Team

Executive Headteacher – Ms Helen Jones

Head of Secondary – Mrs Rachel Garlick

Head of Primary – Miss Joanne Clayton

Deputy Headteacher Secondary – Mr Andrew Wraith

Deputy Headteacher Secondary – Miss Alex Derrington

Deputy Headteacher Primary – Mrs Annette Kelly

Deputy Headteacher for Inclusion and Learning Support – Miss Charlotte Wightman

The Senior Leadership Team can be contacted via email: or by calling 01274 600550.

All calls made to and from the Academy are recorded for security and/or training purposes.

Please be aware that you must make an appointment if you wish to discuss issues or concerns with the SLT Team.  If you have made a formal complaint, the SLT Team will not be able to meet with you until an investigation into your concerns has been completed.  If you are raising specific issues regarding aspects of provision or teaching & learning, the SLT Team may also have to speak with colleagues before meeting with you.  Thank you for your understanding.

Heads of Year

Miss Kate Crookes – Head of Year 7

Mrs Katherine Griffin – Head of Year 8

Mr Simon Martin – Head of Year 9

Mrs Cathy Ashton – Head of Year 10

Mr Matt Bellwood – Head of Year 11

Leader of Behaviour – Mr Dave Hirst

Leader of Attendance – Miss Helen Earl

Heads of Year will endeavour to speak to you at the point of contact, however, it is likely that they may be teaching or on duty when you first call.  If the Head of Year or Assistant Head of Year is unavailable, the office will take a message and ask them to contact you as soon as they are able to do so.  This may not be until after school or the next morning.  The quickest way to contact staff and have your message allocated to the right person is to email via: in the first instance.


Appleton Academy has an experienced SEN Leadership Team, which consists of:

Mrs Kim Sutherland – Primary SEN Coordinator

Mr Robert Smith – Secondary SEN Coordinator

Mrs Charlotte Wightman – Deputy Headteacher for Inclusion and Learning Support

The SEN Team can be contacted by emailing

If your child attends Primary, you should raise concerns or discuss matters involving your child with their Class Teacher in the first instance.  This can be done when dropping off or collecting your child if the teacher is available to see you.  If not, an appointment can be made for you as soon as possible.  If you have an urgent concern that you have not been able to discuss, you can see our Parental Involvement Officer or report to our main office where staff will be happy to help.


Attendance is led for the Academy by the following team:

Helen Earl – Attendance Leader
Stacey Taylor – Senior Attendance Administrator
Janet Wavell – Attendance Administrator
Kerry Blahuta – SHS Attendance Officer
Sumiya Ishaq – SHS Family Support Worker

If your child is unwell or you wish to let us know about any other issue with their attendance at school, please call our dedicated Attendance Line – 01274 421053 (calls are recorded).  Our number to send and receive text messages is 07520 660125.


If you wish to make a complaint, you should follow the procedures set out in the Complaint Policy in the first instance.  The Complaint Policy can be found in the ‘Policies’ tab of this website or we can provide you with a hard copy if you request one from the main office.  Please submit your complaint in writing or via email to Mrs Nicola Francis, PA to the Executive Headteacher, in the first instance – 

Governing Body

If you wish to contact the Chair of Governors or our Parental Governor representatives, please email the Clerk to Governors in the first instance –  If you wish to make a complaint, please follow the procedures set out in the Complaints Policy in the first instance.  The Chair of Governors cannot consider a complaint before it has been made to the school first, or intervene or meet with parents during the course of investigations into an open complaint.

Change of Details

If you wish to inform us of a change of contact details or provide additional important information, please use the following link to complete and submit a change of details form to us:


Enquiries will be managed for the Academy by the Office Manager, Mrs Lisa Coyle, who can be contacted by calling 01274 600550 or emailing (calls are recorded).


If you would like to let us know about something we have done well or provide general feedback, please call 01274 600550 and speak to colleagues in our main office.  Alternatively, you can email comments to


If you have a query or concern about detentions, please complete this form: in the first instance and a member of the pastoral team will contact you to discuss this. Please do not call the Academy directly about detentions as the office team will not be able to answer your enquiry.