Appleton Academy

Changes to Coronavirus Legislation

In line with the updated Government Covid guidance, the wearing of masks or face coverings will no longer be an expectation in school. However, pupils and staff may choose to continue doing so and we would ask that everyone respects individual choice.

While self isolation is no longer statutory if a person has covid, pupils who have tested positive or have symptoms must follow the Government advice to self isolate and not attend school for at least 5 days. They can only attend school again following two consecutive days of negative tests.

UKHSA guidance makes the following points about schools and children:

“Children and young people with COVID-19 should not attend their education setting while they are infectious. They should take an LFD test from 5 days after their symptoms started (or the day their test was taken if they did not have symptoms) followed by another one the next day. If both these tests results are negative, they should return to their educational setting if they normally attend one, as long as they feel well enough to do so and do not have a temperature. They should follow the guidance for their educational setting.”

“Children and young people who usually attend an education or childcare setting and who live with someone who has COVID-19 should continue to attend the setting as normal.”

I would like to remind parents that school attendance is mandatory for school aged pupils and the expected level of attendance is 96% or above. There has been an increase in pupils missing part of a week and we will be monitoring this rigorously from 28th February.

Unfortunately there has also been an increase in parents keeping their children off school when they have a concern, most often in response to a disagreement with the school about our behaviour expectations. Not only is this damaging to a child’s education and wellbeing, but it is an unauthorised absence that could result in a fine. We would advise parents and carers to continue to work with the school to solve issues as we will not provide work for children to do at home when a parent makes this choice. It is better to work with the school to allow us to support your child in meeting behaviour expectations than to keep them at home, and we would be happy to discuss concerns with you at the earliest opportunity.