Appleton Academy

Uniform – Coats & Jumpers

Following feedback and queries from parents, we would like to clarify the uniform policy regarding coats, jumpers and blazers.

We have had a great start to the New Year and students look very smart in their uniform. At this time of year, as the temperatures drop, students naturally wear a coat to come to the Academy. Once they arrive at school, we ask them to take their coat off as they enter the building. They can then carry this over their arm and with their bags and put it on the back of their chair during lessons. If they have one, they can also put their coat in their locker on arriving at school. Students can, of course, then also wear their coats during break and lunchtime when they are outside. However, outdoor coats cannot be worn inside the Academy at any time, including in the dining hall at break and lunchtime.

If students feel that they would like to wear an additional item of clothing with their uniform during the winter months, they can also wear a smart, plain blue jumper or the Academy logo jumper WITH their school blazer (not instead of the blazer). This should mean they are warmer during the colder days.

We hope this clarifies the position with regards to outdoor coats and our blazers and jumpers. Thank you for your support in ensuring that our students are smart and ready to learn.