Appleton Academy


September 2024 – Secondary Admissions to Year 7

Parents and pupils find out about their secondary school places for September 2024 on Friday 1 March 2024. The process around transition to secondary school begins from this point and can be quite daunting for parents and their children. We thank you if you chose Appleton Academy as the secondary school for your child and we understand what an important decision this is. This page is dedicated to supporting parents in making the transition process as seamless as possible. To do this, we work closely with our feeder primary schools and have a range of events and activities taking place throughout the rest of the academic year to introduce you and your child to Appleton Academy and the process of moving to secondary school. Please use the information below and elsewhere on our website to find out more. 

  • Transition Day – All Year 6 students will be invited to attend Appleton Academy on Wednesday 3 July 2024 to experience their new secondary school environment and be introduced to the way we work and what a secondary school day is like.  There will be the opportunity for your children to meet current students and others who are joining the Academy from other primary schools and will be in their form groups in September. We will also introduce children to key members of staff who will support them through their first days and weeks at Appleton Academy in September.
  • Transition Day – All Year 6 students will be invited to attend Appleton Academy on Wednesday 3 July 2024 to experience their new secondary school environment and be introduced to the way we work and what a secondary school day is like.  There will be the opportunity for your children to meet current students and others who are joining the Academy from other primary schools and will be in their form groups in September. We will also introduce children to key members of staff who will support them through their first days and weeks at Appleton Academy in September.
  • Transition evening – this takes place on the evening of the Transition Day and is an opportunity for parents to come and join us in school too. During the evening you will find out more about our key policies and receive information on important matters such as behaviour and uniform expectations for September. There will also be an opportunity to try on and order uniform and meet key members of staff such as the Head of Year 7, Form Tutors and the Senior Leadership Team. 
  • Additional Transition Days – for those students with additional needs or who are the only child joining Appleton Academy from their current Primary school, we may offer additional transition days both in July and late August if we feel it is appropriate to ensure that your child feels supported to have a successful start to secondary school life. 

If you have any immediate questions having found out that your child has been allocated a place at Appleton Academy for September, please email us in the first instance via: and we will get back to you to have a chat and provide answers.

There is also further information on this page about the Academy and the important information we will need to start collecting from parents to ensure that your child’s transition to Appleton Academy is as smooth as possible. This includes parents ensuring they sign the Appropriate Use of IT Agreement, and our Home/Academy Agreement. You can also navigate around this website and find important information about school life, the Academy and the exciting learning environment we will offer your child.

Forms to be Completed Online:

In the course of time, before the summer break, you will be required to fill in forms to complete your child’s transition. We will be speaking with you during the next few weeks and will advise you of the information we need and when – you can view these forms in the links below.

Admissions Booklet. This booklet provides us with information about your child’s emergency contacts, dietary needs, medical needs and other information – click link: Admissions Booklet

Appropriate Use of ICT Agreement. Pupils will only be allowed to use ICT facilities if this agreement has been filled in – click link: ICT Acceptable Use Agreement

Free School Meals – Please click on this link to complete your application for Free School Meals if your child is entitled to these.

Reading & Transition Day

At Appleton Academy, reading is at the heart of our school.  Our library and wonderful librarian are central to our work. As such, each department has also included a wider reading list to engage pupils with their subjects and we would ask that you encourage your child to read as much as possible between now and September.  

For parents who have children who will be accessing our SEN provision, there is further information about the SEN Team in this booklet – click link: SEN Team Info Booklet We have also written to parents of SEN children specifically about their transition to Appleton and this letter can be found by clicking on the following link: SEN Transition Letter

We will contact parents with further details about a Transition Day, when your children will join us at Appleton to meet teachers and current pupils, and familiarise themselves with their new surroundings. This usually takes place in July and we will provide details to your child’s current school about the fun and engaging activities we have planned this year.

We will also host a parents’ evening for parents of new Year 7 pupils, which usually happens on the same day as the Transition Day for your children. We will write to you with further details of the dates and timings in the very near future.

Paying for School Meals

Please read the following important documents about school meals at Appleton Academy. These can be found using the links below or in the important documents section at the bottom of this page. You can also arrange for the Academy to assist you to check your eligibility or help you apply for free school meals by emailing our Parental Involvement Officer, Emily Chesterman:

Healthy Eating Partnership

An Introduction to ParentPay

ParentPay FAQs

School Dinners at Appleton


We pride ourselves on the smart dress of our pupils and we would ask that you support us in ensuring that children and young people are following the Uniform Policy.

In order to minimise cost, most of our uniform can be purchased in local supermarkets or general clothes stores. The only branded items of uniform that we expect all children and young people to have are a blazer, a tie (which school will provide for ALL Year 7 pupils) and a PE top with the Appleton logo. All other uniform items with a logo are optional.

If pupils wish to wear a jumper in winter it must be worn under the blazer (not instead of) and must be plain navy with no logo. Our uniform policy can be found here: Uniform Policy

Our uniform is available from a number of places, including our local uniform shop who have more details on their website: The Uniform Shop. We also regularly host the sale of uniform on the school site, including during the summer break, and we will write to all parents to let you know when suppliers will be at Appleton to enable you to come and purchase uniform from them if you wish.

We look forward to welcoming you and your child to Appleton Academy.

Important Further Reading & Forms for Parents to Complete Regarding the Transition Process: